View Full Version : [Role Suggestion] Medical Student

June 4th, 2012, 10:45 AM
Medical Student - Town aligned

Abilities: Player will be told they are a regular Doctor. Has the ability to heal players. Also has the ability to roleblock players. The first night action will be randomised, and then it alternates between the heal and the block.

Pros: Adds some spice to the Doctor, more strategic play is necessary if they are to protect the Town.

Cons: After night 1 the target will probably say they were or were not blocked, turns the Medical Student into quite a powerful role if caught early.

Summary: Since you kinda have to tell the target if they were blocked, it takes away some of the mystery. I'm opposed to complete randomness on every heal/block though, this is still meant to be a strategic game. (Mostly inspired by: Sumikoko)