View Full Version : [Role Suggestion] Gypsy Lady

June 4th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Gypsy Lady - Town Aligned

Abilities: Randomly selects a hidden role to reveal. Does not reveal the player assigned to that role. Limited to one charge.

Pros: I initially misunderstood CmG, this is actually a cool idea - it helps Town by taking away some of the mystery of the setup. That 'Consort' claiming to be an Escort? Maybe it reveals a Consort in the setup. Think you've been drugged? Turns out there IS a bus driver in the setup.

Cons: Not the most exciting role. Can benefit the Mafia/Neutrals in the right situation.

Summary: I'm keeping this role in mind, I think this has potential. (Contributed mostly by: CmG)