View Full Version : Not spamming.

June 23rd, 2011, 12:56 PM
I was defending myself in a trial, when it just sayed:
Stop Spamming.
I was not spamming, of course, i was lynched because i couldnt say more than two words -.-

June 23rd, 2011, 07:22 PM
Elixir: thats because
Elixir: you defended
Elixir: yourself like
Elixir: this when
Elixir: we have a
Elixir: anti spam
Elixir: measure ingame
Elixir: for trolls and
Elixir: spammers

Its working as intended. Theres a cap (and a high one at that) of chats per minute or something

June 24th, 2011, 05:25 PM
Elixir: thats because
Elixir: you defended
Elixir: yourself like
Elixir: this when
Elixir: we have a
Elixir: anti spam
Elixir: measure ingame
Elixir: for trolls and
Elixir: spammers

Its working as intended. Theres a cap (and a high one at that) of chats per minute or something

Well, you have so much time in trial. People don't wait for you to type a whole sentence out. I understand where he is coming from, this has happen to me many, many, many times.

June 24th, 2011, 06:13 PM
Yeah, but maybe the "On Trial" should be spam free. You should be able to type as much as you want since you're the only one who can type. At least for the giving a defense part maybe.

I could see douchebags doing something to get put on trial just so they can spam a website or something and everyone lynches them and boom he's a doctor who doesn't care about the game.

...but other than that it might work.