View Full Version : Humans vs Dragons Mini-FM FAQ thread

January 8th, 2012, 05:51 AM
Alright guys! Do you know that the current year is the Year of the Dragon?

In commodation to this Year of the Dragon, I now finally present to you my next setup for Mini-FM. The setup's theme will be - Humans versus Dragons!

In a distant fantasy world, there exist powerful dragons that have the ability to disguise thenselves as humans and blend with the crowd. One such Dragon, the evil Dragon Master, is gathering a group of followers in a mission to eradicate all humans in the nearby village. However, some Dragons broke off their ties with Dragon's Den, and one of then even managed to side with humans in order to protect then from Dragon Master's flight. Also, there was another human, who believes that dragons and humans can fight together side by side... Unfortunately, there are many enemies that oppose the Dragon Rider's idea, and in order to convince then, he must take the reins, ride a tamed dragon, and land a strike that will behead the Town and Dragon's Den of their self-conceited leaders.

Here is the final setup, in full detail and list of roles:

Dragon Master
Evil Dragon
Evil Dragon
Evil Dragon

Neutral Killing Dragon
Neutral Benigh Dragon
Dragon Rider
Neutral Human

White Dragon
Dragon Hunter
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town
Hidden Town

Hidden Evil Dragon roles: Elder Dragon, Blue Dragon, Black Dragon, Green Dragon, Illusion Dragon, Red Dragon (3 out of 6 roles will be present)
Hidden Neutral Killing Dragon roles: Pyro Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Fury Dragon (One of then)
Hidden Benigh Dragon roles: Young Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Chromatic Dragon (One of then
Hidden Neutral Human roles: Jester, Executioner, Merchant, Assassin, Witch (One of then)
Hidden Town roles: Jailor, Knight, Ice Mage, Tracker, Aether Mage, Blacksmith, Exhumer, Mason (6 out of 8 roles will be present, no repeats)

Just like Mini-FM II, everyone will vote for Town Leader on Day 1. Unlike Mini-FM II, the Evil Dragons will get a short time for chatting before game starts to make some plans for election.

What makes this game more different than any other Forum Mafia game is Special Abilities.
Each role will have a Special Ability that can be used in place of Normal Ability. Special Abilities can only be used once per player, so players should use then wisely. Also, there won't be any secondary objective listed. Instead, players will be judged on how well they have used (or not used) their Special Ability.

Before I post the role list and their corresponding Special Abilities, here is win condition for each faction:

Dragon Master: Kill all Town members, Dragon Rider, and anyone else who opposes you.
Evil Dragon: Kill all Town members and anyone else who opposes you. Can win with Dragon Rider if Dragon Master is dead.
Neutral Killing Dragon: Kill everyone else who opposes you, except Dragon Rider and other Neutrals.
Dragon Rider: Ensure that Dragon Master and Town Power Roles are dead. You do not need to kill other Dragons, Peasants, or neutral roles.
Tamed Dragon: Goal is the same as Dragon Rider, as long as Dragon Rider is alive. Will return to corresponding faction after Dragon Rider is dead.
Town Power Role: Ensure that all Evil Dragons and Dragon Rider are dead.
White Dragon: Ensure that all Evil Dragons are dead. You can win with Dragon Rider should you manage to survive long enough for that.
Peasant: Ensure that all Evil Dragons are dead. You can win with Dragon Rider should you manage to survive long enough for that (unless you are masoned).
Young Dragon: Find yourself a mentor and help him win. You will take his role if he dies, but will be still counted as Dragon.
Chromatic Dragon: Remember a role from the graveyard and reach that role's win condition. You will be still counted as Dragon even after taking a new role.
Yellow Dragon: Survive until any other faction wins.
Jester: Get yourself lynched durung the day.
Executioner: Live long enought to see your target publicly lynched. If target dies at night, you will turn into a Jester.
Merchant: Trade at least 3 pieces of information and survive until any other faction wins.
Assassin: Kill target role at night. If your target dies from anyone else, you target will change to that killer. If your target is lynched, you will commit suicide.
Witch: Survive and see the Town lose the game. Will lose immediately if no other evil roles are present.

January 8th, 2012, 06:05 AM
Here is the short description of roles, their Mafia analogs, and their Special Abilities:

Dragon Master (Godfather) - Gives orders to Dragon's Den on who to kill during the night. Unlike other Dragon's Den members, he must also kill Dragon Rider in order to win.
Roar of Terror: Dragon Master furiosly roars, driving all non-Dragon players with fear, preventing then from noticing any other effects made on then (healing, witching, roleblocking, etc...). Cannot attack himself while performing Roar of Terror.

Elder Dragon (Consigliere) - Checks the target's possible role (see Investigation results). Collaborates with Dragon's Den on who to kill during the night.
Advice: Reveals the target's exact role and their history of actions to entire Dragon's Den.

Blue Dragon (Consort) - Freezes target players in ice, roleblocking him. Collaborates with Dragon's Den on who to kill during the night.
Deep Freeze: Places the target in a ice block, preventing him from speaking or doing any night actions as long as Blue Dragon is alive. The entire town will see who was frozen. White Dragon's special can dispel the ice.

Black Dragon (Janitor) - Devours to be killed target player, preventing other players to see his role or last will on death. Collaborates with Dragon's Den on who to kill during the night.
Curse of the Forbidden Name: - Curses target player, and chooses a name. Target will be notified of being cursed. When victim says in chat the chosen name, or votes against the named player, he will die at the end of day/night. Does not affect the night actions against the named player, or night chat. The curse stays on target as long as Black Dragon is alive or untill dispelled by White Dragon's special.

Green Dragon (Drug Dealer) - Causes the target to hallucinate, making him appear to be attacked and healed, roleblocked, controlled, switched, poisoned, doused, or charged. Collaborates with Dragon's Den on who to kill during the night.
Dragon Medicine: Heals target Dragon. If your target is Human, he will be poisoned instead (and notified). If not healed by White Dragon in the next night, the victim dies.

Illusion Dragon (Framer) - Makes target player appear as random Dragon (of the Illusion Dragon's choice) to investigative roles. Collaborates with Dragon's Den on who to kill during the night.
Grip of Illusions: Target is framed permanently as long as Illusion Dragon is alive. You can choose how exactly your target would be framed.

Red Dragon (Mafioso) - Collaborates with Dragon's Den on who to kill during the night.
Enrage: Activate only after member of Dragon's Den have died. Your current attack ignores any healing, protection and immunity your target has.

Thunder Dragon (Electro Maniac) - Charges target player at night. When two charged players come into contact, they will be hit by thunder.
Wild Thunder: Charges 2 non-charged players at random.

Pyro Dragon (Arsonist) - Douses target player in flammable substance, or incinerates all doused targets.
Wild Flame: Douses 2 non-doused players at random.

Fury Dragon (Serial Killer) - Kills target player at night. Will kill anyone who tries to roleblock him.
Furious Hunt: Target a player's house. You will kill him if he is inside his house, and kill anyone else who tries to visit your target's house. Furious Hunt breaks Jailor's shackles.

Dragon Rider - A warrior who has the ability to bond and communicate with dragons.
Targets a player. If that playes is a Dragon (and is NOT a Dragon Master), he will become Dragon Rider's mount and will have the same win objective as long as Dragon Rider is alive. Note that Rider's identity is anonymous to his Dragon.
As long as he is teamed up with Dragon, the Dragon Rider can kill target player at night. He is also immune to night attacks as long as he controls a Dragon.
Dragon Sense: Automatically tame and team up with random Dragon.

Young Dragon (Student) - Picks a player at night. That player becomes his master, and if he dies, Young Dragon takes on master's role. Becomes Red Dragon if he was under Dragon Master's wing. He is still counted as Dragon after picking a new role.
Master's Power: You will use the same Special Ability as your master (even if he is still alive). You can't use the same ability together with your master at the same night.

Yellow Dragon (Survivor) - Guard himself against any incoming attacks, making him immune for a night.
Survival Instinct: You will kill anyone who tries to visit you this night. You are immune to roleblocks.

Chromatic Dragon (Amnesiac) - Remembers a role from a graveyard, and becomes the chosen role. He is still counted as Dragon after picking a new role. Cannot remember Dragon Master.
Hidden Power: Your special power is the power of a role that you have remembered.

Jester - His goal is to be publicly lynched during the day. Can annoy people at night.
Dragon Mask: Makes Jester appear as a random Dragon to investigative roles.

Executioner - His goal is to see his target publicly executed. If his target dies at night, he becomes a Jester.
Served Justice: For the next day, the person with second lowest votes will be also lynched along with the first lynched player. If there would be no lynch at that day, instead the person with highest number of votes will be lynched.

Merchant - Visits the first target, and gives information about his possible role to second target. Must make at least 3 sucessful trades and survive until the end in order to win.
Trade Secrets: Each of your two targets will know the possible roles of each other. Each of then also won't be able to know if you activated your special ability or not.

Assassin - Kills target player at night. Has the goal of killing certain role. Has 3 attacks. IF someone else kill his tagter, changes atarget to killer.
Assassin's Creed: Your current attack ignores any healing, protection and immunity your target has.

Witch - Forces your primary target to visit your secondary target, without changing the type of his action. Wins with anyone other than Town.
Fatal Attarction: Forces your two targets to visit each other.

Dragon Hunter (Sheriff) - Checks target player for being a Dragon. Cannot see Dragon Master.
Ensnare: If your target is Dragon, you will ensnare and roleblock him, otherwise nothing will happen. You will be notified of a succesful roleblock. Can work on Dragon Master.

Investigator - Check the target's possible role (see Investigation results).
Sharp Sense: Your target's exact role is revealed.

White Dragon (Doctor) - Heals target player, preventing him from dying. Cannot heal self. Appear as Dragon to Dragon Hunter. Unlike other Town roles, can win with Dragon Rider.
Dispelling Light: In addition to healing, removes all negative effects. Grants the target immunity to negative effects for current night.

Jailor - Puts target player in jail if there was no lynch at day, or after 2 consecutive lynches. Has the option of executing his victim. He has 2 executions.
Magic Shackles: Binds your current target in magic shackes, preventing him from doing any night actions as long as Jailor is alive or decides to release the shackles himself. You can also do this in a no-jail night.

Knight (Vigilante) - Kill target player at night. Can only make 2 attacks.
Valiant Guard: Protect target player from being killed and sacrifice yourself in attempt to kill the attacker. If Dragon Master becomes struck by this counterattack, he will be wounded and vulnerable to night kills and detection. Will ignore immunity of any other killing role.

Ice Mage (Escort) - Freezes target players in ice, roleblocking him.
Aura of Frost: Anyone who attempts to visit Ice Mage will be roleblocked.

Tracker (Detective) - Tracks target playes to see who was visited by him.
Owl Eyes: You will track and watch your target at the same time. You can see Dragon Master in your reports with Owl Eyes.

Aether Mage (Bus Driver) - Switches target player with another player.
Aether Escape: You will switch yourself with random player.

Blacksmith (Armorsmith) - Forges an armor, and gives it to target player. That player can use his armor once to be immune at night.
Forge Dragonslayer: Forges a weapon that is capable to ignore any night immunity (but not healing) and gives that weapon to target player. That player will be able to use weapon once.

Exhumer (Coroner) - Discovers target dead player's original role, and his history of night actions.
Grave Robbery: You will steal the normal ability of a Town player in a graveyard and will be able to use that ability immediately at the same night. Cannot use Jailor's ability.

Mason - Recruits target Peasant into Mason. Will die if he visits non-Town killing role.
Beat Up: Activate only if you have recruited 2 or more Peasants. All Masons will visit and beat up target player, killing him in process. Young Dragon who is disciple of a Mason is also counted as member of Mason community.

Peasant - Has no normal abilities at night. Unlike other Town roles, can win with Dragon Rider (unless masoned). Cannot use Special Abilities if turned into Mason.
Beg for Mercy: If you are attacked this night, you will beg for mercy. There will be an 50% chance that your attacker will spare your life and you will be revealed as Peasant to him.

January 8th, 2012, 06:09 AM
And finally, the Investigation results:

Your target is unsuspicious - Peasant, Jester or Dragon Master
Your target snoops around for information - Investigator or Elder Dragon
Your target seeks encounter with dragons - Dragon Hunter or Dragon Rider
Your target wields ice magic - Ice Mage or Blue Dragon
Your target deals with the dead bodies - Exhumer or Black Dragon
Your target is an adept of healing magic - White Dragon or Green Dragon
Your target is an adept of manipulating magic - Aether Mage, Witch, Thunder Dragon
Your target seems to have the killing intent - Knight, Assassin or Red Dragon
Your target is obsessed with executing people - Jailor or Executioner
Your target tends to work behind the scenes - Tracker, Merchant, Pyro Dragon
Your target is good at crafting magic tools - Blacksmith or Illusion Dragon
Your target is a member of secret meetings - Mason or Young Dragon
Your target is a fugitive of a Dragon tribe - Yellow Dragon, Chromatic Dragon, or Fury Dragon

Feel free to ask any other questions and I will answer then. Right now I only need Luna's confirmation to start the sign-ups. And I am also signed up for FM IX, so I might get busy sometimes.

January 8th, 2012, 06:10 AM

IS there a anime, or book, or game this is based on?

January 8th, 2012, 06:17 AM
The inspiration of dragons hiding among humans was based on World of Warcraft. Everything else is my own imagaination. 8)

January 8th, 2012, 07:48 AM
it should be based on skyrim, just saying. Change dragon master to Alduin and have the following as the dragons, green (regular) dragon, blood dragon, frost dragon, elder dragon, ancient dragon. Also Paarthurnax is the white dragon and the Dragonborn is the dragon hunter. Try to fit Odahviing in there too.

January 9th, 2012, 03:08 AM
Well, I haven't played Skyrim yet, so that's why i'm picking my own theme.

Right now the judges are busy, and my setup must be approved by then before I will be able to post a sign-up thread.

January 23rd, 2012, 10:13 AM
The FAQ thread is still alive. Once McPwnage ends Mini-FM V, I'll plan to start sign-ups for this game. Until then, try to keep your excitement!

February 1st, 2012, 09:01 AM
Topic upped, since the preparation for Mini-FM are coming closer and closer.

February 20th, 2012, 02:00 AM
Changed the name of Investigator to Seer. Now gives the list of three roles: 1 true role mixed up with 2 other random roles, similar to Private Eye from FMX. Same rules apply to Elder Dragon as well.

February 20th, 2012, 01:18 PM
lol @ beg for mercy. Pathetic peasants :P

February 20th, 2012, 01:34 PM
lol @ beg for mercy. Pathetic peasants :P

Some lousy vests they have. Pathetic indeed.

February 20th, 2012, 02:46 PM
Changed the name of Investigator to Seer. Now gives the list of three roles: 1 true role mixed up with 2 other random roles, similar to Private Eye from FMX. Same rules apply to Elder Dragon as well.

I hated that in FMX, it doesn't work just go with investigative parings because everyone likes them.

February 20th, 2012, 02:55 PM
I hated that in FMX, it doesn't work just go with investigative parings because everyone likes them.

I think FM X was meant to be somewhat like Classic Setup? More on scum read less on investigation results.

February 20th, 2012, 03:36 PM
I think FM X was meant to be somewhat like Classic Setup? More on scum read less on investigation results.

Yes but it actually makes the investigator more powerful in many ways, since the scum can no longer plan on a strategy if they get investigated.