View Full Version : {Watch List} Sione, ID: 1-S2-1-3335637, Morillino, ID: 1-S2-1-475141

January 6th, 2012, 11:30 PM
Account Name: Sione
Account ID: 1-S2-1-3335637
Crimes Committed: Cheating, Griefing
In-Game Name: (optional) i

Account Name: Morillino
Account ID: 1-S2-1-475141
Crimes Committed: Game-Throwing, Cheating, Griefing
In-Game Name: (optional) GAME PAUSED


Night one, both players immediately write in their last wills who the mafia are. The consig goes to investigate i, while the investigator goes to investigate the consig. As the replay shows, the investigator knew the exact mafia before he had even made a single investigation. The consig cancelled his check, and proceeded to never use his abilities to help the mafia. He, in fact, pretended to be AFK.

On day 3, Morillino proceeded to out the mafia in public chat to get us killed (affirming the last will of the executed invest, who begged the jailor to be killed). I commented how it was impossible for the invest to know two roles without cheating (especially because as the replay shows, he was jailed night 2). When someone suggests skyping, Morillino says that no one is skyping and to get the facts straight. It turns out that he claimed this as skype was not being used, because both him and Sione were communicating over Xbox live. When I was put on trial Morillino undermines my defense by claiming that I was GF, and he was on my team.

Basically, both players are guilty of cheating, gamethrowing, and griefing (as neither attempted to fulfill their role, instead joined to create as much chaos as they could).

January 10th, 2012, 03:32 PM
2:20 Seconts Sione types "HOWLEFT IS GF GAME PAUSED IS CONSIGLER" N1 Not possible without cheating using a party system
2:31 Morillino types who the mafia is and does not choose to investigate a person as consig
5:42 He claims that there is no cheating happening however, it is not possible for Sione to know who the mafia was

Who is Guilty: Both players
Crime: Game throwing and cheating using a party
Punishment: Seeing that it is the first offence for both players I would suggest a one week kick list for both

ETC: Both players committed 2 crimes each equaling a 1 week kick.