View Full Version : Death row

December 7th, 2013, 10:05 AM
Death Row
a hunger games style game where you use you brains more then anything
Heavily inspired by survival quest

In this game you move around a location,chosen by you, and use your brains and a bit of brawn to kill your opponents
in game lore will be presented each turn depending on which location you choose.
but not just items can be used the environment can be used too.

there will be weapons,, ammo, supplies and other equipment that might help you, but it's up to you to find them and use it wisely.
You will choose your nationality,location and skills which will impact the way you play.
you will have 5 lives which will be lost when you break a bone get shot and will impact the future of the game
if you have the items you can suicide or use the environment


Area 51 15218
Abandoned nuclear power plant
Decommissioned launch site
Abandoned airfield
Abandoned Russian fishing village


Russian: give bonus to alcohol and gun usage
English : bonus to courage and ranged weapons
American: bonus to explosives and building
Spanish: bonus to health and strength
Italian: bonus to stealth,acrobatics and blades

Strongman: makes you stronger and better at fists
Acrobat: better at climbing jumping allows you to run 2 sectors
Technician: you can use computers, electronical devices better and have better knowledge on them
Demolition: you can make explosives from what you can find and have a better chance of them working
Builder: can build stuff from practicality nothing
Medic: better at fixing wounds, getting bullet out etc...
Weapons skill: better at using a specific weapons, pistols,sniper,shotguns etc...
Stealth: allows you to sneak around unnoticed by hiding in the shadows and pickpocket and knock people out without the skill you won't be able to sneak around.
Survivalist: cost 2 skill points but will allow you to make med kits,food.ieds weapons etc using only the enviroment and will give you equipment suited to your other skills and your nationality in your survival pack

you have four skill points you can put into any skills you want, you can put 2 skill points into a skill to make it better(you can only put one point into a gun)
you can also only pick one nationality you can change whenever you want until the challenge starts.
the location will be 10x10 there will be different areas you can enter

Weight is important and so if your Is your inventory the list below shows you what you can have all at one time

1 blade (2 if no sidearm is equipped)
1 sidearm pistol, machine pistols,small sub machine guns
1 large weapon, sniper,shotgun,rpg etc
3 explosive
5 medkits
15 misc,scrap,nails,alcohol

Searching is how you find your stuff to survive but there is multiple ways to do so

1. Quick sweep:searches all floors in and area (house,reactor room etc) picks up useful items but misses most items

2.thorough search: searches 1 Floor of an area and picks up items suited to your current situation

3. Specific search: allows you to choose a specific item ( like a crate) to search and will give you the items in that thing

Courage is something you will have to monitor closely as if you lose courage it could screw you over
When you kill or hit someone rest etc you will gain courage, when you shot lose a life etc you lose courage.
Every starts at 10 courage but can be changed with nationalitys and skills
With a courage over 15 you gain a damage boost with a courage over 20 you get a life and an armour boost however with courage below 5 you will get a damage decrease and below 0 you will lose a turn and a life

Hope is like courage you gain it when you find a better weapon,rest, kill someone etc
Everyone starts with 10 and you lose by the same ways you lose courage.
With a hope over 15 you get a permanent boost to something ( will be randomised) and a hope over 22 gets you a half a life every turn.
Below 5 hope you get a permanent courage decreese (randomised) below 0 you try attempted suicide.

Once the game starts a survival kit is dropped near each player if you don't have the survivalist skill you could get some of these.

A knife/pistol/knuckle busters (only 1)
Morthine(heals broken limbs)/adrenaline(boosts strength and weapons)/bandages(stops bleeding)/medkit(contains all 3)
1 item if food

With survivalist it varys

In each location there will be special events and actions that will happen
eg: the reactor is overloading and will cut off all power in 3 turns time if it is not stabilized OR
The elevator has broke and is falling at intense speeds if not stopped then a random areas power will be cut off.

you can also interact will special items like and elevator or a reactor will will lead to a event occurring

Once in the location you will , you get a description of the sector you are at and the nearest sectors around you (if you are able to see them from your position) with PM. When each turn begins, you must send me back a PM containing 2 actions you want to perform. One action can be a search, performing an attack on someone, sneaking around, moving to another sector you can reach, etc. In return you get back a PM containing feedback from your actions. The main idea is use your brains!
When you have no lives, you die and it is officially revealed. If you don't send a PM in 24 hours, you skip your turn.
players actions and feedback's are never revealed.

any loud actions like explosions will be revealed
when somebody's lost a life or lives then it will be revealed

the game is played in turns once all the action's are given to me via pm. the turn will end and the next turn will begin once feedback's are given out.

please put your entry slip like this

strongman x2
area 51

Games starts after survival games 3 has ended sign up is still possible till game starts


December 7th, 2013, 04:42 PM
New skill stealth and survivalist added

Stealth allows you to sneak around unnoticed by hiding in the shadows and pickpocket and knock people out without the skill you won't be able to sneak around.

Survivalist cost 2 skill points but will allow you to make med kits,food.ieds weapons etc using only the enviroment and will give you equipment suited to your other skills and your nationality in your survival pack

Also added the new weight system, courage and hope, searching mechanics and survival kit information

December 8th, 2013, 04:37 AM
Changed game start to: Games starts after survival games 3 has ended sign up is still possible till game starts

December 10th, 2013, 12:55 PM

added a sample map for area 51 to give people an idea on what you will be facing

also added special events

December 17th, 2013, 12:21 PM
due to this being a failure and nocticz laughing at this.i have decided to ditch it.

there has been 82 views and not 1 person replied but this also happens to my s-fm's and no replis to my m-fm

i feel that nobody cares about the work i put into these types of thing

i was told to always believe in yourself but now this site has made me think otherwise.

i will leave this open till friday if anyone wants to comment

December 17th, 2013, 10:27 PM
theres survival quest going on and a big fm