View Full Version : S-FM The Twelve Olympians

May 6th, 2013, 02:33 AM

Iris: Our prisoner has informed us that there is a perpetrator in our city. One of our own Olympian God has betrayed us and has been leaking information about our plans to eliminate the Titan race. This God worthy of treason must be eliminated, and a demigod that relates to the traitor will take his or her place. We must use our abilities to seek him/her and eliminate. This task is our first priority before we face the Titan War.

Iris continues to explain.

Iris: Each of our true identities will be hidden to each other. In the day, we will assemble in our Greek forms for peace and quiet seminar and discussion. We will discuss what we have discovered and our suspects. If the town comes to a compromise, they may choose to lynch their suspect. In the night, we will convert to our Roman forms. We will become more warlike and be able to use our abilities. Each ability will resemble your role in the Olympian race.

Beware my Olympians, this traitor has nothing to do with Olympus no longer. He will most likely kill someone each night to prevent suspicions. Remember, that an accomplice will side with the traitor after Day 2. The accomplice will keep his/her night ability. Farewell, and good luck to you.

Role List
Greek Form/Roman Form
Zeus/Jupiter - Mayor
Hera/Juno - Citizen
Poseidon/Neptune - Bus Driver
Demeter/Ceres - Citizen
Dionysus/Bacchus - Citizen
Apollo/Phoebus - Doctor
Artemis/Diana - Vigilante
Hermes/Mercury - Crier
Athena/Minerva - Investigator
Ares/Mars - Citizen
Aphrodite/Venus - Escort
Hephaestus/Vulcan - Blacksmith

Iris: One of these Olympians will be your traitor, and after Day 2, another one will be an accomplice. The accomplice will keep its night abilities, but will be able to chat with the traitor at night.

Win Conditions
Olympians: Must eliminate the Traitor.
Traitor: Must eliminate the Olympians.
Accomplice: Survive to the end. You side with the Traitor. Your ability will remain the same. Killing roles may not become an Accomplice.

Order of Operations
0. Night Chat opens
1. Juno, Ceres, and Bacchus activate arrow-proof veil
2. Venus roleblocks
3. Neptune swaps two people
4. Vulcan hands a vest to target
5. Traitor kills with bow and arrow
6. Diana kills with bow and arrow
7. Phoebus heals

Role Cards

Leader of the Olympians
Has 2 votes when revealed. May reveal to be Mayor by private messaging the host to reveal.
Wife of Zeus/Jupiter
Has power in the vote. Has one arrow-proof veil
God of the Seas
Poseidon uses his steed to swap two gods. Can swap himself.
Goddess of the Harvest
Ceres has the power in the vote. Has one arrow-proof veil

God of Wine
Dionysus has power in the vote. Has one arrow-proof veil
God of Music and Healing
Phoebus can heal one person at night from death
Goddess of the Hunt
Diana uses her bow and arrow to shoot at someone at night. Has one shot
The Messenger God
Can talk to the Olympians, including Traitor and Accomplice at night

Goddess of Wisdom
Can determine roles by using investigative pairings. Default pairings unless necessary for new
God of War
Has power in the vote. Has one arrow-proof veil
Goddess of Love
Can roleblock one person from using an ability at night. You do NOT know if the roleblock failed. IGNORE INVULNERIBILITY, IMMUNITY
God of Blacksmithing
Can give a maximum of two veils to a target of his choice.

Is able to kill with a bow and arrow at night. In the role card, the recipient's previous role will be given, saying that he betrayed the Olympians.

Is able to keep the role he/she originally had, but side with the Traitor.
Previous role will be given in role card. You will not be revealed to the Traitor.
You must find him or the Traitor must find you


You may use last wills.
You may private message, but you must send a private message to the Host, where the Host will refer your message to your recipient. The sender and the recipient will be announced in the main thread that they private messaged.
You may not use any other outside communications except seeing the Night Chat where Mercury talks.
No editing or deleting posts allowed.
Pictures are allowed, no videos.
Questions in Plum, Answers in Violet.
Please, no trolling. Your an Olympian God. Not a preschool human.


Days and Nights will be 24 hours long, unless all night actions are in. If all night actions are in, the host will preferably move on to Day 2.
All inactive people will be replaced with reservations, if not they will be modkilled.
Voting will be used by the vote tags and the official vote count
You are required to post at least three times per day to show that you are active
Roleplay is not a requirement. It is for your own satisfaction.

Special Mechanics
The Aegis of Immortality will be randomly given to one God on the first night. If the recipient chooses to use it, he shall receive a buff that will block all detection and roleblock. If the recipient chooses not to, he may choose another God to receive the Aegis. Once used, the Aegis will not respawn until two Gods have died after use. Will not reset if the Aegis is being passed around.

Q & A
What's this business with the Accomplice having to find the Traitor?
I thought it would balance the game if the accomplice had to find the traitor, and so that I don't need to make a night chat for them.
Roleblocking has no effect whatsoever except for notifying the target of being roleblocked as all other night actions are already resolved when the time to roleblock comes except for blocking heals. Intended? I think #1 is the place where the roleblock is intended to take place.
The roleblocking won't notify Venus that the target COULDN'T be roleblocked. It would be too easy to find the Traitor if that was enabled.
Is everything not mentioned sc2mafia standard? I.e. graveyard information/last wills/feedback messages
Last wills are mentioned in rules, feedbacks would be default, investigations would be default unless I find a problem beforehand. Graveyard would be default. But, instead of being shot, the dead target would show as "killed by an arrow to the heart" or something.
Will the Crier have a separate account to talk at night?
Crier will have seperate night chat with an account. All other players will be "guests" and they can only observe the Crier's posts. They cannot make posts in that night chat.
Will a Traitor Mayor/Crier retain their special ability (revealing/talking at night)?
No. Only the Accomplice will keep their previous special ability.
Is the Traitor only able to kill or does he/she retain his/her role's ability and can use his/her roman form's night action? If it's the latter, can both night actions be used the same night?
Cannot use previous Roman ability, because that would be too op.
Why is there a need for investigation pairings? Doesn't the Investigator just detect the exact role with the Traitor being the role before his/her treason?
Investigative pairings is for the investigator, just like the game. A sheriff-like investigator? I don't think so.
If the Traitor can only kill, the game will come down to citizen lynching and night action confirmation. Bus Driver/Blacksmith/Escort/Mayor/Crier would be instantly confirmed to not be the Traitor while the Investigator and the Vigilante have the chance to do the same.
You don't understand, a traitor can be anyone. The bus driver would cause mayhem in investigative roles.

May 6th, 2013, 03:32 AM
What's this business with the Accomplice having to find the Traitor?

Roleblocking has no effect whatsoever except for notifying the target of being roleblocked as all other night actions are already resolved when the time to roleblock comes except for blocking heals. Intended? I think #1 is the place where the roleblock is intended to take place.

Is everything not mentioned sc2mafia standard? I.e. graveyard information/last wills/feedback messages

Will the Crier have a separate account to talk at night?

Will a Traitor Mayor/Crier retain their special ability (revealing/talking at night)?

Is the Traitor only able to kill or does he/she retain his/her role's ability and can use his/her roman form's night action? If it's the latter, can both night actions be used the same night?

Why is there a need for investigation pairings? Doesn't the Investigator just detect the exact role with the Traitor being the role before his/her treason?

If the Traitor can only kill, the game will come down to citizen lynching and night action confirmation. Bus Driver/Blacksmith/Escort/Mayor/Crier would be instantly confirmed to not be the Traitor while the Investigator and the Vigilante have the chance to do the same.

May 6th, 2013, 03:48 AM
What's this business with the Accomplice having to find the Traitor?

Roleblocking has no effect whatsoever except for notifying the target of being roleblocked as all other night actions are already resolved when the time to roleblock comes except for blocking heals. Intended? I think #1 is the place where the roleblock is intended to take place.

Is everything not mentioned sc2mafia standard? I.e. graveyard information/last wills/feedback messages

Will the Crier have a separate account to talk at night?

Will a Traitor Mayor/Crier retain their special ability (revealing/talking at night)?

Is the Traitor only able to kill or does he/she retain his/her role's ability and can use his/her roman form's night action? If it's the latter, can both night actions be used the same night?

Why is there a need for investigation pairings? Doesn't the Investigator just detect the exact role with the Traitor being the role before his/her treason?

If the Traitor can only kill, the game will come down to citizen lynching and night action confirmation. Bus Driver/Blacksmith/Escort/Mayor/Crier would be instantly confirmed to not be the Traitor while the Investigator and the Vigilante have the chance to do the same.

I thought it would balance the game if the accomplice had to find the traitor, and so that I don't need to make a night chat for them.

Last wills are mentioned in rules, feedbacks would be default, investigations would be default unless I find a problem beforehand. Graveyard would be default. But, instead of being shot, the dead target would show as "killed by an arrow to the heart" or something.

Crier will have seperate night chat with an account. All other players will be "guests" and they can only observe the Crier's posts. They cannot make posts in that night chat.

No. Only the Accomplice will keep their previous special ability.

Cannot use previous Roman ability, because that would be too op.

Investigative pairings is for the investigator, just like the game. A sheriff-like investigator? I don't think so.

You don't understand, a traitor can be anyone. The bus driver would cause mayhem in investigative roles.

May 6th, 2013, 05:29 AM
Is there any special mechanic for the Accomplice to find the Traitor? Or is the Accomplice's victory condition actually "(Survive to the end and?) See the Olymians lose". This implies that the Accomplice has to make sure that the Traitor survives.

You didn't really answer my question about the roleblocks. But from what you answered to my question about roleblocking I take it that only the Doctor can be roleblocked. So the Escort is actually only able to confirm to another player that he is indeed not the Traitor and maybe prevent the Doctor from healing somebody.

I don't get how you come to the Sheriff conclusion when answering the Investigator question. I thought the Investigator detects the role and not the alignment. So if the Bus Driver is the Traitor and the Escort is the Accomplice, the Investigator would receive Bus Driver and Escort respectively. But if that is NOT the case I'd like to see the investigation pairings as there is no standard pairings for the selection of your roles.

About the last question: How can a Bus Driver cause mayhem to the Town? As he can't drive anymore (because he is the Traitor) nobody will be getting any bus driven feedback. This will easily reveal the Bus Driver as the Traitor. On the other hand if there is any bus driven feedback everybody knows that the Bus Driver is NOT the Traitor. Same is true for all feedback giving roles (the ones I listed). Or am I misunderstanding something?

May 6th, 2013, 05:50 AM
Is there any special mechanic for the Accomplice to find the Traitor? Or is the Accomplice's victory condition actually "(Survive to the end and?) See the Olymians lose". This implies that the Accomplice has to make sure that the Traitor survives.

You didn't really answer my question about the roleblocks. But from what you answered to my question about roleblocking I take it that only the Doctor can be roleblocked. So the Escort is actually only able to confirm to another player that he is indeed not the Traitor and maybe prevent the Doctor from healing somebody.

I don't get how you come to the Sheriff conclusion when answering the Investigator question. I thought the Investigator detects the role and not the alignment. So if the Bus Driver is the Traitor and the Escort is the Accomplice, the Investigator would receive Bus Driver and Escort respectively. But if that is NOT the case I'd like to see the investigation pairings as there is no standard pairings for the selection of your roles.

About the last question: How can a Bus Driver cause mayhem to the Town? As he can't drive anymore (because he is the Traitor) nobody will be getting any bus driven feedback. This will easily reveal the Bus Driver as the Traitor. On the other hand if there is any bus driven feedback everybody knows that the Bus Driver is NOT the Traitor. Same is true for all feedback giving roles (the ones I listed). Or am I misunderstanding something?

Guess you can put it that way. The Accomplice should be able to make sure that the Traitor survives, but if he doesn't, the accomplice should take over as the traitor. I think I made a mistake on that one. I'll fix it.

Venus is able to roleblock anyone. All I'm stating is that Venus will not recieve a notification that his/her roleblock failed, since her roleblocks bypass immunity/invulneribility. I see I wasn't very clear on that.

The Investigator detects roles in pairs in game. (e.g. Arson is paired with Jester). I plan on using investigative pairings but I'll make them. I don't think that the default ones would really match the settings.

The thing is, a simple role-list would probably give that away. I just thought of that now. I'm planning on just making the Accomplice and the Traitor have a night chat, or add another Accomplice with no communications with each other. You are very correct at your explanation. However, I think a chance that Bus Driver might become Traitor is low (1/12). But since it is possible, I may modify a bit.

May 6th, 2013, 07:59 AM
Are you planning to change the roles list from an open roles list (all roles are revealed) to a closed roles list ( some if not all roles are hidden)? If not what is the point of investigation pairings with roles that are not in the game? The Escort for example shares an investigation pairings with Consort and Janitor. But as Consort and Janitor aren't in the game, the message is unique to the Escort. If the Investigator's purpose is to confirm himself to not be the Traitor by revealing role information that should not be available to a non-Investigator, then detecting exact roles is fine. And as I understand it Traitor is an alignment. As such the Investigator would see a Traitor Citizen as the same as any other Citizen.

Now to the Order of Operation: It seems to me that you are not familiar with the workings of an OoO. So let me explain. The Order of Operation shows the Order in which roles act. Let's take a look at yours.
0. Night Chat opens
1. Citizen use vests
2. Bus Driver swaps two people
3. Blacksmith gives item
4. Traitor kills
5. Vigilante kills
6. Escort roleblocks
7. Doctor heals
So at first the Citizens use their vests. After that the Bus Driver switches the position of two players redirecting all further actions that target those players. Next the Blacksmith hands out an item (your list says he can hand out vests and guns, but the role card speaks of vests only) and his target will receive it. Then the Traitor will kill his target. That means that he is affected by the Bus Driver switch and if he kills the Blacksmith, then the Blacksmith item will already be in the hands of the chosen target. On the other hand if the Traitor targets the Vigilante and vice versa, only the Vigilante will die as he will be shot dead before he gets to shoot. And only after the Vigilante fired his shot will the Escort go and visit somebody in an attempt to roleblock them. That means that the Escort can't roleblock the Bus Driver/Blacksmith/Traitor/Vigilante as all of those have already performed their night action. They will only receive the feedback message but their actions went through regardless. Only the Doctor who comes after the Escort can be prevented from taking his action.
Now an example to illustrate the workings: The Traitor targets the Vigilante. The Vigilante targets the Escort. The Escort targets the Traitor. The Doctor targets the Vigilante.
Result: Traitor goes first killing the Vigilante. Then it would be the turn of the Vigilante to kill the Escort, but as the Vigilante is dead at the moment nothing happens. Then the Escort goes visiting the Traitor, leaving him a message of a night of fun, but that didn't prevent him from killing the Vigilante. At last the Doctor visits the Vigilante and nurses him back from the dead. Nobody died.

May 6th, 2013, 08:03 AM
Now an example to illustrate the workings: The Traitor targets the Vigilante. The Vigilante targets the Escort. The Escort targets the Traitor. The Doctor targets the Vigilante.
Result: Traitor goes first killing the Vigilante. Then it would be the turn of the Vigilante to kill the Escort, but as the Vigilante is dead at the moment nothing happens. Then the Escort goes visiting the Traitor, leaving him a message of a night of fun, but that didn't prevent him from killing the Vigilante. At last the Doctor visits the Vigilante and nurses him back from the dead. Nobody died.

if that is what to happen. then that is to what happen. if he feels inclined to change it then let him. i think the OoO is fine. it ould use some working but overall it should be fine.

May 6th, 2013, 09:24 AM
I love Greek/Roman history and mythology


May 6th, 2013, 09:37 AM
whats ironic about this also is that last ngiht when we were closing at work we were talking about this stuff

May 6th, 2013, 09:43 AM
whats ironic about this also is that last ngiht when we were closing at work we were talking about this stuff

Psst. One of your co-workers is ypmagic.

May 6th, 2013, 10:05 AM
if that is what to happen. then that is to what happen. if he feels inclined to change it then let him. i think the OoO is fine. it ould use some working but overall it should be fine.
If I thought it was intended to work that way, I wouldn't have commented. But ypmagic said this:

Venus is able to roleblock anyone.
And what I got from this is that Venus is actually able to block everbody. But as it is now, Venus isn't and I explained why so that he can fix it if he wants to.

May 6th, 2013, 10:31 AM
Psst. One of your co-workers is ypmagic.

no the person i was talkign to about is most certinly not. we were accaly talking about pandoras box whitch then led us to this

@phyr if he is to be like that then the escor needs to be moved up in OoO if it comes after it should not stop them from rbing unless there is a special reason/mechanic that he is gonna do to make it work

May 6th, 2013, 03:07 PM
I think I got the Order wrong.

May 6th, 2013, 03:20 PM
Are you planning to change the roles list from an open roles list (all roles are revealed) to a closed roles list ( some if not all roles are hidden)? If not what is the point of investigation pairings with roles that are not in the game? The Escort for example shares an investigation pairings with Consort and Janitor. But as Consort and Janitor aren't in the game, the message is unique to the Escort. If the Investigator's purpose is to confirm himself to not be the Traitor by revealing role information that should not be available to a non-Investigator, then detecting exact roles is fine. And as I understand it Traitor is an alignment. As such the Investigator would see a Traitor Citizen as the same as any other Citizen.

Now to the Order of Operation: It seems to me that you are not familiar with the workings of an OoO. So let me explain. The Order of Operation shows the Order in which roles act. Let's take a look at yours.
0. Night Chat opens
1. Citizen use vests
2. Bus Driver swaps two people
3. Blacksmith gives item
4. Traitor kills
5. Vigilante kills
6. Escort roleblocks
7. Doctor heals
So at first the Citizens use their vests. After that the Bus Driver switches the position of two players redirecting all further actions that target those players. Next the Blacksmith hands out an item (your list says he can hand out vests and guns, but the role card speaks of vests only) and his target will receive it. Then the Traitor will kill his target. That means that he is affected by the Bus Driver switch and if he kills the Blacksmith, then the Blacksmith item will already be in the hands of the chosen target. On the other hand if the Traitor targets the Vigilante and vice versa, only the Vigilante will die as he will be shot dead before he gets to shoot. And only after the Vigilante fired his shot will the Escort go and visit somebody in an attempt to roleblock them. That means that the Escort can't roleblock the Bus Driver/Blacksmith/Traitor/Vigilante as all of those have already performed their night action. They will only receive the feedback message but their actions went through regardless. Only the Doctor who comes after the Escort can be prevented from taking his action.
Now an example to illustrate the workings: The Traitor targets the Vigilante. The Vigilante targets the Escort. The Escort targets the Traitor. The Doctor targets the Vigilante.
Result: Traitor goes first killing the Vigilante. Then it would be the turn of the Vigilante to kill the Escort, but as the Vigilante is dead at the moment nothing happens. Then the Escort goes visiting the Traitor, leaving him a message of a night of fun, but that didn't prevent him from killing the Vigilante. At last the Doctor visits the Vigilante and nurses him back from the dead. Nobody died.

So I thought that putting stuff afterwards affected the ones before it. But Doctor does... doesn't it? I moved it anyways.

May 6th, 2013, 03:36 PM
So I thought that putting stuff afterwards affected the ones before it. But Doctor does... doesn't it? I moved it anyways.
The Doctor can nurse ppl back from the (near) dead. And no, the Doctor doesn't affect the ones before him. In the example given the Vigilante doesn't get back his night action despite being healed.
You normally put the Doctor right after the kills so that actions that happen after kills can go through if the player is attacked and healed. That is also the reason why all kills normally happen at the same time.

May 6th, 2013, 03:38 PM
The Doctor can nurse ppl back from the (near) dead. And no, the Doctor doesn't affect the ones before him. In the example given the Vigilante doesn't get back his night action despite being healed.
You normally put the Doctor right after the kills so that actions that happen after kills can go through if the player is attacked and healed. That is also the reason why all kills normally happen at the same time.

Yeah.. I'm just gonna submit for approval process and then start this after FMXVIII

May 7th, 2013, 07:59 AM
You may only have one game on a queue at any given time.
Do you want this one to replace Heart of the Swarm?

May 7th, 2013, 02:53 PM
I will just waitlist this until thats approved then.

May 7th, 2013, 03:12 PM
I will just waitlist this until thats approved then.
