View Full Version : Jailor 1st Night Bug with Spy? (start Day-NoLynch!)

July 17th, 2011, 09:27 PM
Ok, i have put a Jailor in setup and for help him have select Day/NoLynch, in this mode Jailor can jail anyone and ask role.

I got the Jailor and have Jail Neroli.

-jailor- Yoohoo Role?
Neroli i am spy
Neroli really trust me

I trust him because not have any proof to think Neroli is guilty but after Neroli write again

Neroli they want frame Agosto

I have execute him because how possible Spy read Mafia if I jail first night???? And remember i start with Day-NoLynch and jail in Night1.

And really ingame mafia have Framer and frame really AgostoSheriff....

July 17th, 2011, 09:32 PM
Well, it's technically a bug. I'll fix it because it doesn't make any sense for a spy to overhear shit while in jail.